Today I'm taking part in a linkup created by the awesome Crystal over at The Happy Type where we get to share our favourite things. The Currently Loving Linkup is open to everyone, so if you fancy sharing some of your favourite things right now, head over and share your post. Here are mine...
I've been hearing some bad things about Gotham this week, but I'm loving it. Ben McKenzie is perfect as Gordon and Robin Lord Taylor is creepy as The Penguin. The relationship between Bruce and Alfred is slowly becoming my favourite thing about the show though especially with the fight with Tommy Elliot in the latest episode. It's not perfect Batfans, but hey, I likes it.
Peter and I went down to London to see Hans Zimmer perform live and it was incredible! He and his crazy talented orchestra played all of our favourites, The Lion King being the highlight for me. He also played Journey to the Line, which I'll be honest in saying that I've never really thought much about it, I have it on my PC and I listen to it occasionally, but it's never really given me the musical shivers before ( I know you know what I mean). After hearing it live though, crazy shivers! I even got a little teary and now I can't stop listening to it!
I'm obsessed with lettering and finding new pens to write and sketch with has taken over my life! My new Zebra pens are beeyootiful and I can't stop using them. I'm pretty sure they're going to run out before I actually sit down to create something with them, I just keep writing.

I found this online and I couldn't stop laughing, so I printed it out and it's sitting on my desk. So whenever I end up on the internet, looking through Pinterest or looking for funny Supernatural gifs to laugh at instead of concentrating, I can take a quick look to the left and there is Batman telling me to get sh*t done!
My most favourite thing about the linkup is that Crystal asked me to create the button for her. As always it was a pleasure to design for Crystal as she knows what she wants, but also trusted me enough to play around with the idea and get creative. The result is one of my favourite things to have designed, so thanks Crystal!
Don't forget to click the button to check out all the other links and get sharing!